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2016 Ferrari California



Total Price  £77,890

Monthly  ~£1,956/pm

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Dealer in Harrogate

Rated 4.6 (1,649 Reviews)

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Rated 4.6 out of 5 in 1,649 reviews. 91% rated great and 9% bad.

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Compare Ferrari California T BN16GYW White

2016 Ferrari California T



 - Rated 4.6



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Compare this California (BN16 GYW) to similar ones

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  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss White #1 1/39
  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss White #2 2/39
  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss White #3 3/39
  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss White #4 4/39
  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss White #5 5/39
  • View more photos (39)

    Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss White #6
2016 Ferrari California

3.8 V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss



£895 less

St Albans

£22pm less


4.7 (144 reviews)

Higher rating

Same model

19k more miles

Same year




Coming in the tone of white, this Ferrari California has 28,900 miles clocked up on the dash and comes fitted out with a 3.8 L petrol motor with automatic transmission.

  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6 Green #1 1/1
2017 Ferrari California

3.8 V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6



£17,090 more


£429pm more


4.8 (368 reviews)

Higher rating

Same model

1k more miles

1yr newer




On offer at the awesome price of just £94,980 is this Ferrari California Convertible that comes with automatic transmission and a 3.8 Ltr petrol motor. This used one has 11,000 miles on the dash.

  • Ferrari California V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6  #1 1/45
  • Ferrari California V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6  #2 2/45
  • Ferrari California V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6  #3 3/45
  • Ferrari California V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6  #4 4/45
  • Ferrari California V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6  #5 5/45
  • View more photos (45)

    Ferrari California V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6  #6
2017 Ferrari California

V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6



£17,100 more


£429pm more


4.5 (4,070 reviews)

Lower rating

Same model

7k more miles

1yr newer




With 16,508 miles on the clock, this California V8 T F1 Dct Euro 6 comes fitted out with automatic transmission and a 3800cc petrol motor.

  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T Convertible F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss Silver #1 1/16
  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T Convertible F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss Silver #2 2/16
  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T Convertible F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss Silver #3 3/16
  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T Convertible F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss Silver #4 4/16
  • Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T Convertible F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss Silver #5 5/16
  • View more photos (16)

    Ferrari California 3.8 V8 T Convertible F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss Silver #6
2015 Ferrari California

3.8 V8 T Convertible F1 Dct Euro 6 Ss



£7,100 more


£178pm more


4.8 (112 reviews)

Higher rating

Same model

2k less miles

1yr older




Travel in amazing style in this silver California which is fitted out with a 3.8 ltr petrol motor with a automatic transmission and only 8,000 miles on the dash.

Finance calculator

Estimated payments

hire purchase (hp)
monthly estimate (hp)
48 monthly payments of £1,956
Best available rate 9.9%
Total to pay £93,888
Total cost of credit £15,998
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Hire Purchase (HP) Representative Example: Borrow £10,000 over 5 years with a £0 deposit. Representative APR 19.9% fixed rate. Monthly payment: £255.50. Total cost of credit: £5,329.80. Total amount repayable: £15,329.80.

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